"Sometimes what we learn and who we become in the process of waiting is even more important than what we are waiting for." -unknown

There were many years after we had our third child that we prayed and longed for another child. There were so many lessons we learned along the way. I would never have imagined that almost 6 years later these prayers would be realized; in His timing and His way. I know without doubt that God taught us so much in those years of waiting. In the years of unknown. The month before we found out I was pregnant, I had a renewed peace. A peace that perhaps the journey we had traveled was actually the gift He had given us; not a baby. When we wait, when we take time to listen to Him, we grow in ways that are incomparable to the days we let the rush of life keep our distance from Him. Today, I am so grateful for those years of waiting and all it taught me.
