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you light up our lives

"when I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise. there's so much they hold" jason maraz our spirited third child.  today you turned three.  my heart is so full and floods with so many contrasting emotions.  i want to cry inside as i watch our last baby turn into an independent little girl.  but then i want to rejoice and laugh as your growing  personality overflows to all that know you.  there is so much to you that i never want to forget.  your questions and wonder. the why's you ask hourly.  your giggle.  your big brown eyes and adorable dimple. the special way you have me tuck you in bed  every time you go to sleep.   your love and adoration of your brother and sister.  your bossiness.  your crazy clothes choices and the even crazier things you say. these details of you are so precious to me.  i love that you are open to life with such a big heart.  you are so independent and strong willed.  you are a mama's girl. but you love your daddy in such a special way.  it melts my heart.  he's truly your prince.  and you are indeed his princess.    these three years have been more than i ever dreamed. i cannot wait to watch you grow into the person God has planned for you.

today we shared your birthday in so many special ways.  first it was just the four of us (daddy is gone to the middle east-but he joined you for birthday cake via skype) and you opened a few presents.  you got your first american doll and you fell in love completely. at lunch time a few of your cousins were able to  join us for lunch and cake. it is truly a blessing  for you girls to all live on the same street, growing up and making these special memories.   and then we ended the day with your mita and pito.  and yes, as you look at these pictures one day-you really did change your clothes that many times in one short day.

you are loved by all that know you.   i hope this year is filled with many more amazing memories and that you will always know how much we love you.


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why it's different with the last baby l a mother's heart

"I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles. " -Audrey Hepburn

the baby of our family is turning 3 next tuesday.  this has brought much emotion to my heart.   i've realized that the way i parent her and react to things is so different than i did with our first.   things i wanted to fix or change with our oldest daughter,  i now somehow just want to remember.  and not just remember this time, but remember every little detail of her.   i want to hold on to the crazy things she says.  to never forget the nutty outfits she chooses to wear.  i want to remember the trouble and mischief she finds. i  i know too well, from having two older children that these times will be a distant memory before we know it.

so now instead of hurrying to change these moments; i choose to grab my camera and freeze them the only way i know how.




just us l september 2012

i must say that i am very grateful for this project.   i realized this morning that another month had flown by and i was still without any pictures of me and any of my kids.  my husband is still overseas (on month 2) and I just haven't been "in the pictures".  but that is the beauty of this project;  it forced me to do it.   honestly, i am not always feeling like being in the picture.  i don't feel i am at my best, most photogenic spot of life right now...but goodness gracious!!!  i need to get over my own insecurities and savor these moments so that my children will have them later in life. don't you agree?! so this morning, i asked our 5 year old son if he'd capture some pictures of me with our baby girl.  next week she will turn 3 and i just can't believe it!  at first i thought i'd get us dressed all pretty and then have him do a few shots.  but then i decided to do it just as we are.   most days, right now, she's running around half naked in her panties for the entire day. in the last two weeks she's potty trained herself and i am very thankful for that.  but really, she loves to be dressed in only her panties, with her hair a mess (hairbow-nowhere to be found), her face a mess from her latest meal and free!  so here we are just the two of us...just as we love to be! ♥

thank you ladies for this project, because these memories are truly a treasure for me!! xoxo

please continue on with our blog circle and see what the lovely Celeste Jones has capture of her family this month...





10 on 10 l the september edition

the ordinary moments are my favorite memories of  you.  its quite simple.  my prayer is to be present and not miss anything in this walk together. i long to be so much as your mother.  to be an example. to be a friend. to be a teacher. to be a leader. to be an inspiration.  to bring comfort.  to bring smiles and laughter. to show patience and forgiveness. to love and keep loving every day.   i don't want to forget the smiles, the giggles, the dimple, the dirty faces,  the dreams, the frustrations, the achievements, the connections,  the stillness, or the wonder of every day.  i never want to take these simple moments  for granted. ever.


please follow along our blog circle to see what my talented friends have shared this month.   first up is the delightful Elizabeth Jane Photo. So happy to have her back this month -she is such a talented artist!




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a brand new school year | homeschooling 2012

today we began year 2 of our homeschooling journey.  we now have a 3rd grader, kindergartner, and an almost 3 year old.  i was so excited to get started this year and learned a lot during my first year. i was able to see what worked for us and what didn't in terms of curriculum, school space, our schedule and much more. over the summer i worked very hard on a special project. we have a room in our house that we used for storage since the time we bought the house.  it has a great built in desk, bookshelves, and a full bathroom with access outside to the lake.   after a year of cleaning off my dining table at the end of each day i thought it would be nice to create a school and creative spot for our kiddos. i know we will still school in many places around our house, and even outside of the house, but it is so nice to have a space to go to together to create and learn.   my vision was to create a place that could encourage and inspire our children. i wanted to have a place that would remind them to DREAM, never give up, and create a lot.  i wanted a place to remind them of the love of their heavenly Father.  i wanted to fill the room with reminders of our love for each other and our appreciation and love of life.

the room is almost complete (i have a few more items that i ordered that have not arrived, but for the most part i am finished)...and i thought since it was the first day of our 2012 school year, i would share my project.  i hope you enjoy a sneak peek into our school day. i am so grateful God has given me this time with my children.  i am so blessed to be able to teach them daily and watch them grow in Him.  i will never take these moments for granted.

" i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"   Philippians 4:13

blessings, ginger


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sweet family of four

i love that this job gives me the chance to meet new people.  i was contacted by mickisha after she saw my work through the finding the light workshop.  i was honored that she found me and was super excited to take pictures of her family. i was even more excited that she was willing to drive all the way from south florida to coordinate a session for her family.  she is also a photographer and like myself, is not in enough family photos. it was such a joy to be able to capture her with her precious family..and what a gift these will be for years to come. thank you for giving me this opportunity.  you have such a lovely family.

blessings, ginger

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the illuminated word project l august

this project is by far one of  my favorites.  not only do i like the way it makes me search within; i also love to read what has been stirring inside of the other members of my circle. this month the following verses have been on my heart...

Jeremiah 29:11-13

New International Version (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

i've written before about how i worry much more than i should.  and i am slowly learning to hand these worries over to the Lord and truly trust in Him. i've also written before about all the anxiety i experienced before moving back to our home town last year.  but my husband and i clearly felt the Lord leading us here and were obedient in pursuing a move back.   since moving back i have seen time and time again, blessings pour out from this decision.

one of the things  i feared was experiencing a new loneliness when work took my husband away from our home and family.  (and work takes him away A LOT).  you see, on a military base everyone is coming or going from deployments and training.  families living to the left and right and back and front of you have all been through it time and time again.   not only do the wives relate to each other,  but the children relate to one another.  it's truly a family all of its own.  BUT in our small town, very few people know this reality.  yes, many people have husbands that work long hours and even take business trips fairly often, but its different than missing weeks and months at a time.  missing milestones, special occasions, and holidays adds to the loneliness and difficulty that comes with military deployments.  i feared that i would not only long for my husband to be home, but long for the friendships and relationships that i had come to know on base for so many years.   and i do miss all of that more than words can describe. but in HIS own way, God has provided for our family.

as i said in the last year the Lord has shown us time and time again that moving home was the direction He wanted for our life.  and last weekend i was reminded of this once again...

my husband is currently overseas for two months.   two months is by far not the longest we have been separated during our 13 years of marriage; but it is the longest he has been deployed since we moved over a year ago back to our hometown.   one saturday afternoon, i invited my family (parents, three siblings and their families,  and my in-laws) all over for an afternoon at the lake.   and every one of them came.  as i sat there that afternoon watching every one talking and the kids all playing, i just thanked the Lord for again showing me to trust HIM.   no, my family cannot relate 100% to everything we go through but they are here for me in so many ways and for that i am so blessed.   uncles and aunts and grandparents willing to make my children feel extra special.  cousins to run around with. and extra hands to give me help in preparing food and fun for everyone at my house.   we are beyond blessed to have these people in our lives.   i truly believe our family is so unique and special and i hold tight to each of them in my heart.

i love these reminders.  the reminders that God has a plan for us.  BUT we cannot forget the last two verses of this scripture:

12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

God wants us to call on Him. He wants us to need Him.  i am so grateful for a God that wants me as His always.

i'll leave you today with these pictures of our fun afternoon with our family. each photograph taken is a reminder of the love that surrounds me in so many ways.

this is home now....surrounded by all of our family.  this last picture is such a great representation of that to me..our house on one end and my brother's on the other.   with my sisters and parents not far down the road.  to be here with all of them, is more than i ever dreamed.

please follow along our blog circle and see what the always amazing Gail Pomare has on her mind this month.



ice cream treats in the park

this has to be one of the most fun sessions i have taken to date.  this sweet family of four overflowed with fun and love.  throughout all of these pictures you can just imagine the fun they must have at home with their little girl and their faithful pal.   i hope you enjoy this preview of our morning in the park.   i hope your sweet girl has the best first birthday and a year filled with lots of love and blessings!

xoxo, ginger



a super yummy cake smash

i have been so blessed to photograph so many wonderful families. for this shoot we were able to capture some beautiful family shots and also some great first birthday memories to cherish.   they were all such fun and you can completely see what wonderful parents these two boys have. their mama and daddy love them to pieces.  i am grateful i could give them this gift to preserve this special time in all of their lives.

blessings, ginger




10 on 10 l the august edition

i am happy to be joining you again for another edition of 10 on 10.  each month i join a group of photographers to share 10 photos (or more) from 10 hours (or more) on the 10th day of the month. last thursday my husband received the news that he would be deployed for 45 days to the middle east on the following Monday.    (ye, we had about three days notice).    originally the plan for that weekend had been for my mom and i to go shopping and have a girl's weekend away.  my mom had made reservations at the gaylord palms in orlando and we were set to leave on saturday.  ( in 8 years since we had our first child, i have not had a weekend away without the kids).  after receiving the news,  my mom was most gracious and gave us the hotel room to take the kids away for some fun.   and even though it was a short night away and only 40 minutes from home..it was a great  weekend of memories for our children. it really is a fun hotel to sneak off to for the night.  we had a blast at the water park in the hotel, viewing the alligators, going out to dinner, and having room service desert and movie night in our room. it was just what we needed! i hope you enjoy...

please follow along our blog circle and see what the talented Jennifer Kruk Photography has for this month's 10 on 10...


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project 52 l week 31 l street

wow, the summer has just about flown by.  i didn't think i'd have time to post this week but realized i had this shot on my i-phone.   this week our theme is street.  i took this photo one afternoon we were walking down the street to my parent's house.  i was thinking how much i loved that we could just walk down to see them anytime we want. the kids love to go there and swim in the afternoons.   truly, i cherish this street so much.   on this little street lives my two sisters and their husbands, my brother and his wife, my parents, and my 5 nieces.   life is simple and life is good.  i am very blessed.

follow along our blog circle to see what clara with heart inspired photography has for us this week.

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gorgeous light and a beautiful love = a great combination

i had the best time capturing this soon to be wed couple in love. as a photographer you never know what to expect when you go to a shoot.  with couple shoots it is key to be able to interact together naturally, so that i can capture the essence of what you feel for one another.  well, this couple did just that. they were amazing together. they were full of laughs and their love just shines through these pictures. and we had the most amazing light during the whole session.  i hope you love these as much as i do.  it was such a pleasure to hang out with you and capture this special time in your lives...

wishing you all the best, ginger

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the illuminated word project l july

it's once again time for the illuminated word project.  each month i join a group of ladies to discuss a verse of scripture that has spoken to our hearts during the month.  this month i would like to share the following verse:

Ephesians 4:32: "Be kind and compassionate to one another,   forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. "

"you are forgiven."  three simple words, yet at times, they can be the hardest words to say.

this weekend our two year old daughter told my husband that her brother hit her while he was playing the wii.   this is something we aren't very proud of as parents, but admittedly bad behavior does indeed take place between our 8, 5, and 2 year old children.  my husband disciplined my son and then he requested that my son apologize to our daughter.

my son has a terribly hard time with saying i'm sorry.   i think this is hard for a lot of children.   on the other hand,  i notice that children can be so quick to forgive one another.  they quickly say "that's okay." or something of the like.  and then the matter is forgotten and they move on.

as adults, it can be so hard to really forgive one another when we are hurt.  sometimes it seems easier to harbor feelings of resentment, anger, and sadness, then to say i forgive you.  why can't we be like my 2 year old who quickly says "it's okay, bubby"... and then embraces him with a hug and a smile?  indeed there are many reasons why we instinctively don't do this, but the bible clearly tells us to forgive one another as Christ forgives us.

have you heard the latest song by mathew west? if not, you can hear the song here and you can read the story behind the song here.  i can't seem to get this song out of my head.  the words are just that powerful:

It's the hardest thing to give away And the last thing on your mind today It always goes to those that don't deserve
It's the opposite of how you feel When the pain they caused is just to real It takes everything you have just to say the word...
Forgiveness Forgiveness
It flies in the face of all your pride It moves away the mad inside It's always anger's own worst enemy Even when the jury and the judge Say you gotta right to hold a grudge It's the whisper in your ear saying 'Set It Free'
Forgiveness, Forgiveness Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Show me how to love the unlovable Show me how to reach the unreachable Help me now to do the impossible
Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Help me now to do the impossible Forgiveness
It'll clear the bitterness away It can even set a prisoner free There is no end to what it's power can do So, let it go and be amazed By what you see through eyes of grace The prisoner that it really frees is you
Forgiveness, Forgiveness Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Show me how to love the unlovable Show me how to reach the unreachable Help me now to do the impossible Forgiveness
I want to finally set it free So show me how to see what Your mercy sees Help me now to give what You gave to me Forgiveness, Forgiveness

the highlighted words stand out to me

" It'll clear the bitterness away.   It can even set a prisoner freeThere is no end to what it's power can do.  So, let it go and be amazed.   By what you see through eyes of grace . The prisoner that it really frees is you"

you see, by forgiving even the worst of sins done to us, we are the one who becomes free. it's amazing how Jesus works in this way.   i cannot say this is easy, but through Him you can let go and experience this freedom.   is there something that is holding you as a prisoner today?  is there someone who has hurt you beyond repair?   go to our Lord and ask Him to show you how to experience this freedom.  ask Him to heal your heart, so that you can experience your life to its fullest. its not an easy road, but i guarantee you will find blessings at the end of it.  and maybe for you its not a big thing but a lot of small things that have just added up over time.   don't harbor those feelings inside.

or are you the "someone" that needs forgiveness? do you feel like your sins are too much for God to forgive?   do you live with guilt and the burden of not even forgiving yourself?  the bible clearly speaks to us on this as well many times.   i'll leave you with another verse:

Acts 13:38 “Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.

don't let an unforgiving heart rob you of today.   i pray these passages will speak to you as they have to me.

please continue to follow our blog circle and see what scripture the fabulous  Gail Pomare | Santa Cruz, San Jose Lifestyle Photographer has to share with us this month.  i am always very inspired by her words and images.



project 52 l week 29 l reflection

this week for project 52 our theme is reflection.   i can't wait to see all of the different ways our group will interpret this theme.  i have been busy photographing our church's vacation bible school this week and was lucky to capture this image with my iPhone on a walk one afternoon.   i am pretty smitten with this little fellow.

i am thrilled to welcome Mary Schannen of Melange Photography back to our group. she's been a way the past few weeks, and i am so glad she is back this week. she is just amazing, so enjoy!



just us l july 2012

it's already that time again for JUST US.   this is a time once a month, when i make sure to get "into the pictures" with my family.  i love being a part of this amazing group which was formed on the bloom forum.  i find so much inspiration in these ladies. they are all so amazingly talented. this month my sister-n-law was so sweet to snap a few shots of me and my three kiddos while we were at Longboat Key (my husband had left a couple days early to head out on a mission trip with our church to Guatemala).   i hope you enjoy.  maybe next month i will get a little creative with my remote and tripod...who knows?!

please follow our group and see what fun pictures they have captured of their sweet families.  next up is the beautiful Celeste Jones l Wilmington Deleware Photographer.



project 52 l week 28 l aging

this week's theme for project 52  is aging.   i don't think any of us like watching our loved one age.  and we especially don't enjoy it when they are sick. sadly, my father-n-law, pito, has alzheimer's disease.   this has to be one of the cruelest diseases i know.  it has been so sad to watch his illness progress and his memory get further and further away from him.   one afternoon i captured my sweet girls sharing our family photo album with him.   he is to the point that he forgets who all of us are at different times, so it was so special to see my girls reminding him of all his loved ones.

please visit the blog of Clara with Heart Inspired Photography and see what she has captured this week...



we love lucy

you may remember my gorgeous sister and her family from her maternity session a couple months ago.  i am happy to announce that they have just welcomed their sweet baby girl lucy.   i was over the moon that i got to be present right after her birth and able to capture some very special and intimate moments of their sweet family.   we have decided to keep those private just for their family to enjoy and remember that special day. BUT, today i am here to share with you some beautiful shots of lucy, mama and big sister.   it means so much to me to live so close to my sister now.  there is something so special about having a sister and i am so blessed to have her in my life.  i am so proud of her and the mama she is to her babies.   katie, i love you all so much and couldn't be more excited to see your family grow...

 much love, ginger