"when I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise. there's so much they hold" jason maraz our spirited third child. today you turned three. my heart is so full and floods with so many contrasting emotions. i want to cry inside as i watch our last baby turn into an independent little girl. but then i want to rejoice and laugh as your growing personality overflows to all that know you. there is so much to you that i never want to forget. your questions and wonder. the why's you ask hourly. your giggle. your big brown eyes and adorable dimple. the special way you have me tuck you in bed every time you go to sleep. your love and adoration of your brother and sister. your bossiness. your crazy clothes choices and the even crazier things you say. these details of you are so precious to me. i love that you are open to life with such a big heart. you are so independent and strong willed. you are a mama's girl. but you love your daddy in such a special way. it melts my heart. he's truly your prince. and you are indeed his princess. these three years have been more than i ever dreamed. i cannot wait to watch you grow into the person God has planned for you.
today we shared your birthday in so many special ways. first it was just the four of us (daddy is gone to the middle east-but he joined you for birthday cake via skype) and you opened a few presents. you got your first american doll and you fell in love completely. at lunch time a few of your cousins were able to join us for lunch and cake. it is truly a blessing for you girls to all live on the same street, growing up and making these special memories. and then we ended the day with your mita and pito. and yes, as you look at these pictures one day-you really did change your clothes that many times in one short day.
you are loved by all that know you. i hope this year is filled with many more amazing memories and that you will always know how much we love you.